Life Purpose Test

This test is split into two sections and will take 4-8 minutes to complete.

These sections are Personal Style and Life Purpose.

At the end of the test you will be given a score for each section and can compare your score with benchmarked norms developed with 500 people.

Identify how close you are to finding your life purpose.

Section 1 - Personal Style

So, you are curious about your life purpose – understanding personal style is a good warm up for that. Personal style is a much more advanced version of personal branding. Personal style allows you to know yourself much more completely and be able to apply that in different circumstances, its focus is internal (who you are) vs external (how you appear). In addition, personal style is “active”: you dial yourself up and down in different situations. “Personality” is passive, and strictly speaking personality tests aren’t scientific as they rely on self reporting which is why when we work on personal style we refer to others in your life.

Be honest with yourself doing the test, no one’s watching – it’s a great warm up for the purpose test.

1 / 9

Category: Personal Style

Write down how you would describe yourself in 6 words?

2 / 9

Category: Personal Style

How long did you take to do that?

3 / 9

Category: Personal Style

If we were to ask your friends, family and people who have just met you to describe yourself in 6 words – what do you think they’d say?

4 / 9

Category: Personal Style

There’s a phrase “I’m always the same and always different”. It means if you know your authentic self you are clear about how you turn up in new situations. If you meet new people, how clearly in your mind do you know how you will behave?

5 / 9

Category: Personal Style

If you think about your behaviour across life’s many  situations  – with your family, spouse, close friends, colleagues, new people, in a new interview, presenting in business, hosting a party at home, being a leader, dealing with difficult news  and so on please answer the following.

Section 2 - Life Purpose

A clear life purpose means that your personal why, and the outcomes you want from your purpose (immediate and ultimate) stay the same. However, your what and your how will vary. An ideal life purpose makes you happy and flowing from that, you provide financial, spiritual and emotional help/abundance to help others. Most people sacrifice their own happiness at the expense of their own life purpose. Basically, I’ll do what I do for my family and hope that they will find their happiness.

Many of our uuness clients have bounced from job to job or situation to situation and liked it to varying amounts – but because they don’t know their life purpose, they are always second guessing what they should be doing. They are, human doings not human beings. One of our clients summed it up like this   – “ I left College and took a corporate job that suited my skills because that’s what I thought I should do. I then bounced through a set of promotions and jobs based on my abilities but not necessarily what I wanted to do. In fact, to be honest, I didn’t really know what to do with my life – so I tried not to think about it too much! I didn’t realise there was a systematic way to find purpose. ” Senior Manager ex HSBC global.

Be honest with yourself about this – no one’s watching! You just want to know the score, or rather, your score. Obviously the ideal is for you to be on purpose and your family to be on purpose.

6 / 9

Category: Life Purpose

On a scale from 1-10, where 10 is absolutely totally clear and 0 is “I have no idea” – how clear is your life purpose for you?

7 / 9

Category: Life Purpose

If in the previous question you think your life purpose is about looking after your family and we were to remove that from the equation and ask you strictly speaking to state your life purpose in your own right – what score would you give from 1-10. (1 is no idea and 10 is I know my own life purpose.)

8 / 9

Category: Life Purpose

If I asked you to write down your life purpose right now how easy would it be to do if I gave you: 1 minute to do it?

9 / 9

Category: Life Purpose

Here’s an example of a clear life purpose which doesn’t reference family.

My life is about getting people to find their true life purpose (why). I have created a unique scientific programme to achieve this (what). Clients go through 10 one to one sessions or an online programme to achieve this. (How). Having done this they will define their life purpose based on science so they live a calmer, more confident and clearer life. (Immediate outcome) This means people will be happier and use less resources and civilisation will be more environmentally sustainable. (Ultimate outcome)


On a scale of 1-10 where 10 is I can write my life purpose without reference to my family and I’m happy and 0 is I could only write my life purpose in relation to my family what score would you give yourself.

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